Saturday, October 10, 2015

Silas Wolcott, Revolutionary War 1776-January 1778

Silas Wolcot enlisted 7 December 1776 and served to 1 January 1778 as a private in Capt. James Wilson's Company, Col. Cambers' First Pennsylvania Rifle Regt., organized at Sunbury, Pennsylvania. He served as a rifleman in Capt. Caspar Weitzel's Rifle Company, Col. Samuel Mile's Regiment, 13th Pennsylvania Line. The regiment moved to Philadelphia on 2 July 1776, and after the Declaration of Independence was signed, marched to Trenton and then to Perth Amboy. On 12 August they fought to defend Long Island, but were forced to retreat. Silas took part in the Battle of Harlem Heights, the defense of Fort Washington, and the retreat across the State of New Jersey. e 11 Sept. 1777.  He was in the Battle of New Brunswick on 27 November, and the Battle of Trenton on Christmas Day 1776, followed by the Battle of Princeton. Silas was in Capt. John Robb's Company, Col. Walter Steward's Regiment, at the Battles of Brandywine and Germantown in the fall of 1777. They moved to Valley Forge, where, family tradition holds, Silas was a bodyguard for General George Washington. Silas was mustered out at Valley Forge on 1 January 1778.


  1. silas wolcott was my 5th great grandfather and my father, cecil wolcott, lived in springfield, penna. My mother was an Eaton, and her gggrandfather, was a McAfee, who also fought in he war, and is buried in the Leona rd cemetary

  2. Silas was also my 5th great-grandfather.

  3. Silas was also my 5th great-grandfather. I didn't catch the anonymous part in time.

    1. Hi cousin Michelle! This is Janice saxe who left the message about Silas Wolcott. I am living in florida, however lived near Sayre pa and visited silas's grave at state line cemetery in ny state, near Owego ny. Would like to hear about your connection to Silas.

    2. I can't believe I didn't reply, so sorry. Getting caught up and forgetting is my middle name ... but it didn't go on my DL, hahaaaa. I just looked and I have AncestryDNA matches for Saxe, Eaton and McAfee all 3. I used to live in Tallahassee, St. Petersburg and Tampa. All I know is that he was my 5th GGF through the paternal path of FMMFFFF.

      His geni page is:

      His F-A-G page:

    3. Hi Michelle, so glad to hear from you! I am related to all three, my other great grand father, 5 th removed was the McAfee, ironically buried about 20 miles from silas, in Springfield pA. His daughter was married to my great great uncle on my mother's side of the family. If you ever watched the last kingdom series , both the Wolcott and Eaton families lived about 40 miles from each other in the area described in England. Found that out from looking at the Eaton genealogy! Hope to hear from you again. Jan saxe

    4. No, I never saw The Last Kingdom, but it's cool to know the Wolcott and Eaton families lived in places mentioned in the movie. Seems like there's more content in movies and tv which refers to our families than I ever saw coming in my life and t's surreal. Downton Abbey had a familial home with that castle and Vikings had another GGF, Rollo, in it, then other family members in it. Ragnar seems to have been a composite of at least two men. I am unaware of any other shows about other family. I think it's surreal and awesome, though. You can reach me directly at cause maybe that's more appropriate.

    5. Can the site owner please remove my Anonymous comments, please, esp. the one with my email on it?

  4. Ps. My husband and I visited somerset co. In England, trying to find the old Wolcott home in tolland. Sent on a wild goose chase when we were about 8 miles from gaulden manor. We certainly saw a lot of somerset co. But never found the manor.

    1. I don't see your email here, but I definitely emailed you July 20th at 3:17 PM and you did not reply.

    2. I'm not sure if you're able to send email. I was presuming you had an email address if you were using the internet, since so many websites require it for login purposes. My email address is and both of my parents are from the Wolcott family, among others, only my father is related to Silas directly and my mom was related to the ppl with a few different variations of the name ... you know, the Connecticut Wolcotts that were/are a "prominent" family, as it was said to me from a few sources. It was made clear to me that they were wanting to make sure I knew my side wasn't from a prominent family, but I have ancestors from dozens of royal families in dozens of countries, even the monarchs. I just ran into 3 kings and a lord of Isle of Man earlier this evening. The universe has shown me an incredibly high amt. of signs in the past year, pointing me towards something. I have a hard time believing my true identity was revealed to me at 52. I'm supposed to come into an immense amount of money, so the universe tells me. I wish! I have done activism/humanitarian work for about a decade, well for humanity, the animal kingdom and our planet. Only so many of us have worked directly with petitions to force corrections in ill-willed agendas that were either carried out or had attempts made to engage in them. I'm not a religious person, but I'm a member of the House of David. I can't really say what I believe, but the fan is brown, if you get my drift, but not in a bad way for me. I feel blessed right now more than I ever have, after learning some of the things that are more uncomfortable to talk about like descending from a werewolf sorcerer, cause that's a different chapter of my life I never ever imagined would come to life, but it surely did and that's just a sliver of details I learned about. Apparently, there's a crap ton of mythical people who are said to have been my parents of long long ago. I do know that my family has been in Somerset at least since Cheddar Man because he was my blood and possibly a grandparent! I never knew I was Native American and the oldest one known in the U.S. ... well, I'm a strong match for them, somehow. Ancestry can't figure out one of my chromosomes, so that bites a little bit. I have 38 ethnicities that I know of on 4 different continents and ancestries in more than half a dozen other nations of which I do not know if I have DNA for because Ancestry kind of failed me. I just happen to have tiny amts. of almost everything except French, Scottish and English. My life got super surreal and shocking. Being related to all my iconic favorites throughout my life is just bananas and coming from Kings and Queens is a little bit upsetting after the life I have had, which was not great.

      I could have sworn you gave me your email since I emailed someone and wrote here that I had emailed you. That address I sent to was and I am going to send another in that same email right now to see if you notice it. It may go to your spam folder. Mine is and if you can explain what kind of device you use, I can try to help you. I don't feel comfortable putting my home address on public places because I am a transgender woman and people who have no business in public office have seen to it that hate got spread and now people want to hurt me and end me. I am not afraid of a single one of them, but I'm not dumb. I'm from Peoria, Illinois, by the way, Dec. 16, 1970. I'll give you a link to message me directly on and Ancestry below.

      The last Ancestry link is my person profile for myself and this is my main profile which you can msg. me through. Both sites can be used w/o paying for any subscriptions.

  5. It's still in my comment, but ok sure. I'll email a hello it's Michelle email right now.

  6. Hi michelle_ I am not very skilled at texting! I am going on 83 years old and barely learned how to use the computer after I stopped working. I have not shared your email address with any one. Wanted to share some info that I have on the Wolcott history if you are interested, I can mail it to you. If there is a way you can share your address I can send it to you. I went back to 1100 for the first recorded Wolcott and tracked him up to the present. Sure you would only be interested up to Silas. I have a picture of his grave stone which was close to where I used to livec
